Mindfulness Yoga For Beginners

  Mindfulness yoga for beginners can be very easy and undemanding, it's not all standing on your head for hours on end, and it can consist of basically nothing more than just a bit of gentle stretching!

Ah... if only everything was as easy!

The word 'yoga' derives not from yoghurt or Star Wars but from an ancient Sanskrit term derived from the root 'yuj', and meaning "to yoke" or "to join," "to unite".

Mindfulness yoga, as you might expect, takes the natural step of combining the disciplines of yoga and mindfulness https://octoposh.net/ . An excellent introduction is Mindfulness Yoga: The Awakened Union of Breath Body and Mind by Frank J Boccio.

From the amazon description: "Drawing on several forms of yoga, a student of Thich Nhat Hanh serves up an accessible introduction to yoga from a Buddhist perspective that outlines the movements, poses, and breathing technique in seventy-five illustrations. Original"

You should then ideally think about joining a yoga class, and you really don't need me to tell you how to do that. Try typing yoga + the town where you live into a search engine.

One thing to consider however is that there are lots of particular varieties of yoga.* When it comes to the various varieties, personally I would start with Hatha yoga.

You'll need a mat and some loose clothes etc., which come conveniently bundled in a yoga beginners kit.

Yoga beginners kits typically include at minimum a yoga mat khttps://divine-element.com, a foam block, a cotton strap and an instructional DVD.

The props (the foam block and strap among others) provide useful support when practicing poses to help avoid strains.

Here's my list of best buy choices, starting with the cheapest:

The Firm Yoga Beginner Kit - under $25.

  • One skid-free mat
  • Easy-to-grasp foam brick supports posture and stability
  • Cotton stretching strap improves flexibility
  • 30-minute DVD for beginners

Gaiam Yoga for Beginners Kit - under $30.

  • Alignment yoga mat to help guide hand and foot placement
  • One foam block
  • One cotton strap
  • Two full length yoga workouts for beginners
  • One seated meditation preparation routine

SPRI Yoga Starter Kit - under $40.

  • One studio quality "sticky" mat
  • Two foam blocks
  • One cotton strap
  • Yoga position poster
  • Yoga DVD

Wai Lana Basic Yoga Kit - under $40.

  • One skid-free mat
  • One foam block
  • One cotton strap
  • One yoga posture poster

Total Yoga DVD Kit - around $35.

  • One slip-free mat
  • One foam block
  • One cotton strap
  • One mesh carrying bag for storing and transporting the equipment
  • One instructional DVD

EASYMat Kit - around $47.

  • A beginner's package for taking to studios.
  • One slip-free mat
  • One foam block
  • One cotton strap
  • One hand towel for hot yoga

Mountain, hang dog, snoop doggy dog... once you join a class and/or start learning yoga for beginners, you'll need to get to grips with some curiously named beginner yoga poses.


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